Friday, September 26, 2008

As the World Turns (Or, As My Head Spins)

As Prime Minister Putin of Russia invades Alaska's air space (or is it the space between Sarah Palin's ears?), John McCain is flying around the country (Country First, after all) aiding the airline industry's bottom line and single-handedly pulling the economy out of recession. No wait, he's trying to solve the current banking crisis (even though he's not on the Senate committee working on Czar Hank Paulson's takeover of the economy). Or is he just trying to avoid debating Barack Obama and emulating Sarah Palin's verbal ineptitude? By all accounts, McCain brought nothing of substance to the financial crisis discussion and was nearly incoherent in what he did say. He should have stayed in New York and appeared on Late Night With David Letterman.

If it weren't for the inherent racism of "we the people", Obama would be mega-points ahead in the polls. I am deliberately playing the race card here. So many white folks (I am one in case you consider it relevant) just cannot shake the fear that minorities are out to destroy polite society (is this what Fox Business News anchor Neil Cavuto really meant?). Remember that Thomas Jefferson - the god-king of the anti-government crowd - wrote that "...all men are created equal." Does this mean that those who hang on Jefferson's every word as slavishly as they hang on biblical verses believe that all non-whites are not human?

Sarah Palin's favorite (apparently) preacher chases witches out of whatever town he is in. Why hasn't Fox News made an issue of this? Is she really more of a disaster than Dan Quayle and W? Combined?


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