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This blog contains the lunatic ravings of an expatriate Rhode Islander forced to endure a self-imposed exile in the barren (political and intellectual) wasteland known as Texas. Since escaping from that Ninth Circle of Hell, I am currently recovering in The Great Northwest. I shall rant, rave and otherwise comment about politics, society, baseball, food, religion and anything else that burns my butt or tickles my cockles.
Well Comrades, as I sit here pondering the future of the United Socialist States of America, I can say that I am relieved about a few things. I am relieved that freedom of speech will now be controlled by the government and that conservative, talk radio will be taken off the air and replaced by mainstream media propaganda.
I am relieved to know that partial birth abortions will be funded with my tax dollars. I can sleep better at night knowing that Afghanistan is thrilled about the new president elect, (as I'm sure Iran is also). I'm relieved that Joe Biden will now play an important role in our Foreign Affairs and can work with Hamas and the PLO to keep rascals like Isreal in line. Yes comrades, better days and the change that goes with it are certainly ahead.
But mostly I am relieved that I can now sit back and let the government take care of all my needs with someone else's hard earned money and not mine(like Rep Jim Moran from Va, who stated " 'Republicans have this simplistic notion that people who have wealth are entitled to keep it".) Rep Moran or anyone else out there that believes like he does about personal wealth , when will you be sending me a check??? The sooner the better, I have bills to pay.
"And there was no fraud, no corrupt secretaries of states"
I guess you missed the stories about the suspensions of the Ohio folks who put out the personal info to crucify "Joe the Plumber" because he the balls to ask the Messiah a real question and the messiah screwed up by telling him the truth.
Swill2: Ignorance in defense of stupidity is not patriotic. Also, Not Joe Not a Plumber is not ready for prime time.
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