Thursday, September 24, 2009

Now wait One...

Have I converted to Judaism? No. I am still a non-believer, not just a doubter. When I presented Rabbi Alan with my feelings some time ago, he said (and I an paraphrasing here) "Forget about God for the moment. Judaism is about morals and ethics: how to live." We have had more than a few discussions such as this; and more talk about baseball. So this endeavor of mine is not an adoption of Judaism or an abandonment of atheism. It is part of my curiosity about religion(s).

So, what am I currently reading? I an re-reading Richard Dawkins "The God Delusion." And I recently completed re-reading Bart Ehrman's "Mis-Quoting Jesus."


jgodsey said...

you are on your Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens and of course Douglas Adams

welcome to the light.

Rhode Island Yankee said...

More than on my way as I read Adams years ago and routinely read all of Dawkins as he publishes new works. Hitchens is fun, and I am now re-reading Dennett. Exploring Judaism's moral and ethical teachings with Rabbi Alan, the Phanatic Phillies Phan.

Unknown said...

My only comment for this one is that you said "Now wait one" They say we always end up sounding like our parents....LOL