Wednesday, February 25, 2009

RI Yankee on Mental Vacation

I have been attempting to refocus this blog. In effect, I am trying to think but nothing is happening. I have started a series of memoirs, the first one being The Sorghum Queen of Hancock County. It's not complete, so I have decided to continue my nonsensical anti-Bush Republicanism, anti capitalism lunatic ravings for the time being.

Let's calculate: 8 years of Reaganomics; 4 years of Poppy Bush's kinder, gentler Reaganomics, 8 years of Clintonomics (moderate Republicanism with a Democratic Lite label) and 8 years of oil-field cheney-bushonomics equals 28 years of rendering of the gains working people made after WWII. Many of us no longer have good jobs despite our college educations; many of us have houses underwater in drought conditions; our 401k has become out of date Special K; crude oil prices fall and retail gasoline prices have started rising again; don't eat the peanut butter cookies; don't give your baby anything from China; my mattress is safer then Citi or BOA; Both get federal subsidies from us/US but neither will help us by lowering their usurious credit card interest rates.

Last night President Obama gave a rousing pep talk and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) responded with the usual far-right-rhetoric, blaming all of the world's fiscal problems on Obama's stimulus package, somehow forgetting 28 years of trickle-down fiscal fiction and war-mongering fiscal excess at his own party's blood-stained hands. Just had to love how Jindal bloviated that Louisiana had financed its own post-Katrina recovery, somehow ignoring the some $175bb of Federal help. Jindal sounds suspiciously like Barbara Bush who thought that the accommodations of the Astrodome were quite comfy. Maybe the Gov. has been snorting some of the formaldehyde in those FEMA trailers.

As I write this, the DJIA is down 155 points. Thanks to all of those traders who have further destroyed our retirement funds for a quick profit after yesterday's 200+ point rise. I am so happy that the Bush plan to churn our SS money into 401K plans did not happen. Watch out, however, there is a bipartisan plan afoot to ditch SS for another rich-people-win scheme: see The Nation for 3/2/2008 - "The Man Who Wants to Loot Social Security ("

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