Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The right to be a stupid racisct punk

The New York Daily News cartoon depicting a prone monkey killed by police is shameful, racist, despicable, and just plain wrong. I defend the right of the cartoonist to draw it, the editor to approve it and the newspaper to publish it. Whatever negative feedback, back flash, protest, contempt, lost subscriptions, ill-will, and other rhetorical kicks in the reproductive apparatus that News Corp and Rupert Murdoch receive come with the territory. If either you don't think that the cartoon is racist or you think that it is funny, then maybe you should educate yourself by reading the history of The Reconstruction, the Jim Crow era and the struggle for civil rights in this country despite the 13th and 14th Amendments.

The rancid whipped cream and moldy cherry atop this sundae of excrement and vomit (the cartoon) is the News Corp statement that offers an apology IF you were offended by the cartoon. Note that News Corp did not state that they apologize FOR printing a racist, shameful cartoon; they only apologize to those they offended. To my knowledge, I do not purchase any News Corp journals, magazines or newspapers. I admit to watching "The Simpsons" and "House" at times on Fox TV. I suppose that I can boycott all that is Fox, but that would have to include "Slumdog Millionaire" which was distributed by the Fox Searchlight division of Fox.

Most boycotts do not work as they are most often symbolic protests with little economic effect. Now that I am off that hook, I'll state that I will irritate News Corp in what little ways I can. If I succeed in any way, I'll let you guys, youse guys and y'all know!

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