Friday, November 20, 2009

News From the 9th Circle

This morning I read in the Corvallis (OR) Gazette-Times that Texas had executed another post-birth human being. Nothing unusual in that for the Lone Star State, a political entity that values potential people far more than it does living, breathing humans. Be that as it may (I abhor abortion, but I abhor executions more). This particular case, however, is even more egregious than the usual callous disregard for human life and common sense that Texas Governor Rick Perry exhibits.

There is no question that the person who was executed (Robert Lee Thompson) was a criminal and deserved to be in jail. And because a clerk (Mansoor Bhai Rahim Mohammed) in the store that Thompson and his partner in crime (Sammy Butler) robbed was killed, Thompson received the death penalty.

Here is why Rick Perry has earned (not for the first time) my scorn. During the commission of the crime, Butler was the gunman and Thompson was the accomplice. Butler shot and killed Mohammed. Butler received a life sentence. I do not know the circumstances as to why there was such a difference in the sentences. In any event, the sentences were not Rick Perry’s doing or fault.

Thompson’s lawyer argued before the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles that Thompson’s punishment, compared to Butler’s, was unfair. The Board agreed in a 5-2 decision on November 18, 2009 and recommended that Thompson’s sentence be commuted to life. Perry disagreed and Thompson was executed on Thursday.

The callous disregard for human life and common sense that Rick Perry has exhibited since he became governor when W was appointed to the presidency by an activist Supreme Court is such that he should be booted out of office as soon as possible. Nine years is enough of this despicable man’s insane tenure. He should be retired to his appropriate Circle of Hell.

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