Friday, July 11, 2008

Stinkin' Excuses

One of my not-so-humble correspondents who hails from Tejas claims that he cannot get past the password to respond to my blog. What is he talking about? Being the right-wing boomer that he is, he probably is semi-illiterate when it comes to computers. Maybe he needs to hire someone to figure this out. Even my sister figured it out. Tejas-man must be just too damned smart for this stuff. Since he could not respond to the blog, I have reproduced my pointy-headed, commie-pinko reply to his tirade against me..."...since you haven't read it, you have no right to lambaste are you stating that Jesse Helms was a lunatic lefty since he was racist, ignorant of economics, a mean-spirted character assassin, naive in foreign affairs and held in disdain all who did not agree with him?? Any password block that exists is on your system...I would not block anyone from replying. Air America failed (wait, it is still on the air...) because of lack of advertising revenue, which is controlled by polemicists such as you and your ilk.

OOO, that felt good..."

"And it's 1, 2, 3, what are we fighting for? Don't ask me I don't give damn, next stop must be Iran..." sorry Country Joe.

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