Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Who Framed Roger Clemens and the Fountainhead Follies

Oh my god, they are trying to frame Roger Clemens!! Wait, maybe he did lie! What, a Texan lying? A Texan doing drugs? Roger is just like W??!!?? You mean that both of them are not holier than thou? (Dabottadem in RI-speak) You mean that they are as fallible as you and me? Say it ain't so, Joe!!!

As the economy continues to tank, even TV commercials are picking at the scab. Allstate insurance has their current spokesperson (the former President of the USA - at least on "24") mentioning a "recession" (it's on TV so it must be true). The upshot is that Ayn Rand's crackpot theories as expressed in her minor science fiction novels "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead" have been shown to be the malarkey they truly are. That so-called leaders such as Andrea Mitchell's husband (didn't he used to be somebody?), Phil Gramm, W, Slick Willie, Robert Rubin and the rest of the Chicago School of Economics devotees and Ayn Rand boot-lickers should quickly and publicly apologize for their errors and withdraw from polite society. (Oh, there are many others, but space and hunger prevent me from naming them all, including the many so-called liberals among them.) Deregulation has been a freaking disaster: energy (remember Enron? Gramm's spousal unit was a Board member - any jail time for her? I think not); airlines; banks (remember the Hatch-St. Germain Act and its aftermath; plus the current Gramm sponsored debacle?); telecom; etc. Sure, telephone calls are cheaper than the 70's, but last I checked Ma Bell was re-assembling here dismembered parts and now these bums are beyond the law). I could go on, but low blood sugar is attacking me! But I rant and rave...and I saved another $100 in shrink fees!


Unknown said...


Glad to see you again (at least on the web)! Have not had a chance to read all of your articles, but I think I already know the angle you will be comming from. "Wasteland known as Texas...Ninth Circle of Hell?" I thought you learned some manners when you were down here in the wonderful State of Texas. Haha!! Glad to see your doing well I miss our friendly political talks.

-Reagan Stephens (old TCEQ bud)

Rhode Island Yankee said...

Reagan S.:

Glad to chat with you in bloggerland! And I hope to catch up with you when we get to Austin sometime in September. I hear that there is some BBQ that needs to be eaten out in Taylor at Louis Mueller's...or a steak or two on 6th Street!!